Life before us says us that there is long path, more and more to get.I have to exist in this world at any cost to get all what Life wants to gift to me. I have to struggle for my existance.
I lead my life with many dreams and hopes. In many situations i learn some thing new. Every time i has to remake my attitude towards life. I got to change my attitude towards people. People, they come across in various modes.
I have to accept every hardle that comes in my way. Some hardles taught me lessons, some hardles troubled me, while some hardles disappointed me. But some hardles challenged me.
Whenever a challenge stood before me, it make me think myslef low and make me lose my confidence. I feared some times and I doubted about my own skills. But the positive hope thinking that "Nothing happens BAD to me" is the only attitude that make me stand before the challenges. I standup in front and welcomed all the outcomes of it. When i believed that nothing is going to be BAD, there raised a self-confidense to accept whatever comes is the only "GOOD" left.
Even then if something unwanted happened it never looked so bad because i was expecting it as positive. I expected but never disappaointed. "Lets happen what next is..." is the kind of state of mind i was holding.
I belive in God. It gave me positive strength to dream big.Dreams can be turned to true when we believe that they can be achieved.
I always believed that God wants me to learn something, and this was the test given to me to pass. Everytime i prepare myself to pass by distincton. Good GOD, he never made me failed in any exam till now. And thats what is called the LIFE.
Life should not only be lived, it should be celebrated - OSHO
1 comment:
good one "If we take every thing positively we can lead the life"
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