When we encounter a problem we immediately think of the person who can help us to get out of it. Or we search for people who already have passed such circumstances and take their directions to solve.Whenever any of the person we believed are not readily available to give their hands, we become depressed with fear and tension.
We sometimes make some expectations from others and plant them in our heart.Like they will do this or they will ask like this or some one will help me out from this. We take care those expectations to grow in branches in such a way that we become unable to pluck off any parts of it which are affected by our wrong assumptions. We just ignore everything. Our assumptions make us believe that our expectations result in reality. But assumptions always result in unbiased.
We fear of for the unfair results. For all human fears, 75% of which is caused by our assumptions and wrongly perceived existing reality.Remaining part may include on other circumstances and on any other external factors.
To solve any problem, first of all have to remove fear from inner self.Get rid of fear. Calculate the results on real values than imaginary assumptions.You can any how compare with any existing statistical information on the same problem.Do backward analysis. Means, go in the upward direction from result you wanted to problem identified. Like, for this particular desired result what must be the pre conditions, post conditions and constraints. This way you can easily get out of any problem domain. Always keep in mind there is always two or more solutions for any problem. If you do a brainstorm, you can find many a number of ways to get out of your current problem.