Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Good Manners for Great Societies

How do you know how best your character is built?

It's not the mirror that reflects your beauty. The beauty of your character, attitude and the beauty of your inner self is reflected by your actions and reactions the people around you.The thorns and sensitive petals both reflects like our hate and love towards neighboring people.

The good and bad, joy and sorrow, angry and disguise, emotions and expressions everything reflects on the people around you or on the people who are connected to you. The waves and storms of your emotions you release into this outer world will come back to you only. So how much Good you want to come back to you, give that much to this world. Be liberal in this. This Nature is a great reflector for us to measure our self how we are and what we are.

Want to do a trial? OK let's give a smile to any person you know. Will he/she reply back with a smile? Definitely Yes. Why so? Did you observed why they replied back with smile? Its because the "culture" that strongly rooted deep inside us, to respect another person emotions and expressions. That's the manners we call sometimes. Now let us try give a smile to an unknown person.The other person will smile with an additional expression, "Does he know you earlier?".

Good manners play a vital role in building good persons and good societies. One thing I would like to remind you about our Indian culture here. Suppose let us try to offer a shake-hand to any unknown person.I am sure 99% of people hesitate to reply back with their hands put forth. But when you say "Namaskaram" to any unknown, they will definitely reply back with their folding hands. Even your enemy he may be, will fold their hands in respect to your custom. That's the great "Indian Culture".

Our literature and religious customs teaches us a very well, universally agreed and respected manners. Its the gift from our elders from many centuries. Its the proven culture the Indian's have in their blood by birth in this country. Our culture is built based on scriptures of Mahabharata, Bhagavath Geetha, Ramayana and many more. All these scriptures helped us to build good manners with examples life's of characters in those scriptures. Common man(like Mahatma Gandhi, Swami Vivekananda, Rama Krishna Param Hamsa etc) who followed the rules and paths specified in those scriptures had proven their versatile knowledge and left their foot steps for us to follow.

So lead you life that becomes an example for others to follow. Try to make your own foot steps for the betterment of future generation.

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